Largo High School Class of 1967 Missing Packers Page
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Missing Classmates
Anthony Alvarez Diane Herrin John Meyer James Schoelles
Cathy Ashline Helen Hinman Jane (Amerena) Moore Linda Slauter
Patricia (Stevens) Becker Keith Jacobs, Jr. David Myers Rae Taylor
Judith (Lake) Bixler David Johnson Montae O'Neal Alice Troutman
Rebecca Bray Keith Kidd Ross Panarites Ethel Umble
Sharon Conkling Keith King Pamela Peel Judith Walczak
Paul Davison Susan (White) Lamb Diane Peters Carol Walden
Judy Davis William Langdon David Pierson Bruce Walker
Victoria Emerson Ray Leggett John Pittman Gary Walker
John Feazel Mary Love Ruth Putney Linda Wheeler
Linda Fedico Janice McCreadie Keith Roe Judith Williams
Robert Hartman Donna McDaniel Mary Rose Margaret Wilson
Ruth (Rutkosky) Hayes Sheryl McSpadden Marlyse Ryser Judy Wise